NEW ARTICLE! Clean 7’s Take on Weaving Ayurveda Into Your Detox
NEW ARTICLE! Clean 7’s Take on Weaving Ayurveda Into Your Detox

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WINTER BLUES: Boosting Mood and Immunity in the Holiday Season

Boosting Mood and Immunity in the Holiday Season

Winter is here, and let’s face it; the holiday season is all twinkling lights and gingerbread cookies. But it’s also the time of year when the winter blues can sneak in like that one relative who overstays their welcome at family gatherings. But don’t worry, we’ve got a game plan to keep those blues at bay and your immune system in tip-top shape, backed by scientific evidence.

First things first, let’s tackle that gloomy mood. The lack of sunlight can mess with our serotonin levels – the brain’s natural happiness drug. But hey, don’t fret! You can’t control the weather, but you can control your diet. Add vitamin D-rich foods like salmon and fortified dairy to your menu. Think of it as a “sunshine supplement” for your soul, no sunscreen required. A study published in the “Journal of Affective Disorders” showed that vitamin D supplementation can improve mood. Winter mood boost, holiday immunity, staying cheerful in winter

Now, here’s the fun part – exercise. When you move, your body releases endorphins, those little happy hormones that can make you feel as elated as a kid on a snow day. So, dust off your winter boots, go sledding, or engage in a snowball fight with your neighbor. It’s all exercise, with a side of nostalgia. A study in “Health Psychology” found that physical activity can have a positive impact on mood.

But what about keeping those colds and flus at bay? Well, there’s a reason your grandma swore by chicken soup when you were sick. It turns out, foods rich in vitamin C (like oranges) and zinc (found in nuts and seeds) can help bolster your immune system. A review in “Nutrients” suggests that vitamin C and zinc are vital for immune function. And don’t forget the basics – washing your hands like you’re preparing for surgery. It’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent illness, as supported by the CDC’s recommendations. So, there you have it – a recipe to literally breezing through winter’s challenges. Remember, winter might be nippy, but your mood and immunity don’t have to be!Boosting mood in winter, holiday season wellness, immune-boosting tips